Sunday, February 24, 2013

senyumlaa sikit dik....

tadi baru balik dari jb.. abah kejut pagi2 tanya nak ikut abah pegi hospital x amik ubat.. mmg setiap bulan abah mesti pegi HSA amik statin ngn ubat bp dia... aku memang suka ikut sebab kalau ikut dapat makan brunch ngn mama sekali (my mum keje kat jb) n x yah nak masak tgh hari... alang2 dah pegi jb tu pegi jugaklaaa buat urusan yg pelbagai macam pegi bank, asb ngn tabung haji... pastu b4 pegi asb tu aku pun pegilaa money changer nak tukar duit aussie.. aku mmg tukar duit aussie sikit2 sbb konon nak tunggu exchange rate dia naik sikit tp x naik2 ponggg... tapi sbb aku pun makin kering so tukar jelaaa... rendah pun rendahlaaa... (xdelaaa rendah sgt sbnrnye tp sbb last year aku dapat 3.4, sayang rasa nak tukar kalau takat 3.1).. pastu kat cermin tingkap uncle tu (btw kenapa money exchanger selalu mamak/org india ek) dia tampal ni:

aku rasa kata2 ni sgt best sbb baru2 ni aku selalu gak pikir pasal ni... yelaaa, aku pun bakal jadi customer provider x lama lagi kannn... yang kelakarnye, baru je semalam aku pegi tesco yg x boleh dinamakan lokasinye beli barang rumah, adik cashier tu seriously, sepanjang dia tet tet barang kitorg tu, sekali pun dia x senyum tau.. langsung x cakap apa2 smpi time bayar je baru ckp semuanye XX ringgit. pastu aku terus cakap ngn mama abah, pelik org sini, kalau agh kat coles ke kat mana2 laa kat melben, smpi2 je cashier tu org tu kalau x tanya banyak pun mesti tanya customary 'how are u today?'... i mean kita tahu laaa xdelaa dia nak dgr kisah hidup kita but at least bertanya khabar laaa... dan senyum!

baru balik dari melben ni one of the things that i really miss is good customer service.i still remember, the first thing yg aku buat masa smpi melben is bukak account bank dkt comm bank. masa tu dahlaa baru sampai, nk ckp apa pun xtahu, system dia pun x paham, pastu xde plak amik2 nombor macam kat mesia... dengan muka macam arnab ketakutan, org commbank tu dtg kat kitorg, offering help, dia guide satu persatu apa nak buat dgn travel check yg jpa kasi, bukak account etc.. pastu paling aku kagum, lepas dah setel semua urusan dia tanya pulak, so how do you think of my service today, are you happy? of course laa i happy cik abang, selalu pegi bank kat mesia, dahlaa tunggu lama, dapat pulak akak kaunter yg garang... so bile tetiba dapat layanan baik of kos laaa i kasik you 10/10...

honestly sebenarnye aku xde laa nak amik hati sangat ke apa, sebab aku pun paham yg its not easy being in customer service, nak layan org2 yg dtg esp customer yg banyak songehnye, but still ada jugak benda yg sgt annoy me when ppl in customer service esp from own experience or cerita org:

  •  macam kat atas, layan macam x mesra alam langsung. i know i should bersangka baik dgn diorg, i mean, mungkin anak dia merengek malam tadi ke, baru kena marah ngn boss ke, tapi kalau semua macam tu, kita pun terasa gak... but i really really hope diorg boleh improve better and at least make good hellos n thank yous. 
  • being judgmental to their customers. i x tahulaa kenapa ye, kat mesia ni adakah hanya jika kita pakai macam org banyak duit baru org rasa kita ni mampu ke? ada one time ni my parents nak pegi tgk mpv baru kat satu pusat kereta yg feymes kat jb ni (xyahlaa bitau mana tp isteri dia retis).. tapi abah pakai baju x tuck in, mama plak pakai selipar je sbb kluar lunch je masa tu... bawak plak kerete myvi along... blom tgk lagi keretanye, soklan pertama salesman tu tanya, 'abang kena dapat pinjaman dulu. dah apply ke?' in my mom's own words, rasa macam nak tayang je slip gaji kat muka dia... 
  • salesperson yg suka ngikut je kita kat dalam kedai... dia buat2 macam kita x nampak tapi kat belakang kita dia ikut je macam laa kita nak curi.. masa sekolah kat STARP dulu, ada satu kedai kat kulai ni yg jual brg2 hadiah macam tu.. xdelaaa mahal mana pun barang dia, tapi org kedai tu mesti ikut je kita... seriously, cukuplaaa dah ada cctv, xyahlaa nak jadi spy M pulokk
  • the customer is NOT always right. dahlaa kadang2 dia yg salah dia pulak nak argue dgn kita. few last weeks yg lepas kitorg pegi tesco jugak (yg lain).. terang2 kat pamphlet dia kata ada promo sekotak air mineral Rm7.49 kott lbh kurang... tapi tiba2 bile nak scan dia scan jadi 20 lebih... terkejutlaa kitorg, kalau naik sikit xpe.. bile kitorg complain, cashier tu cakap, saya xleh buat apa sbb system dia macam tu.. manager dia pun dtg, nak x nak layan.. dia ckp kitorg yg silap amik brg sedangkan mmg btol pun.. dia siap suh pekerja dia amik kotak lain, letak kotak tu macam marah2.. amboi bile dia nak marah, my parents lagi naik bengang.. masa tu boleh je let go n x yah beli, tp sbb dia macam tu, my dad nak fight jugaklaa, last2 bertekak, dia bagi je ngn hrg 7hinggit tuu... drama!
  • serviceperson yg kurang beradab. layan acuh x acuh tu satu hal, but ada some tu yg mmg x jaga langsung kata2 membuatkan kita yg dgr ni naik kepala je. one of my mom's friend ni x boleh baca tau (don't judge) masa tu bank tu rehat tgh hari, sbb acik ni xleh baca sign kat depan tu dia pun masuk jelaa, boleh x org yg jaga tu marah dia, bile dia mintak maaf dia xleh baca, org tu kata pulak, lain kali kalau tahu xleh baca bawaklaa anak ke sesapa yg tahu baca. perlu ke?
nak tulis pasal ni i did a bit of research (translate that to google) and i found an interesting read on the state of customer service in malaysia. half of those surveyed felt that the service level is below expectation or awful. i think more or less i selalu baca my friends whining and complaining about this on twitter and facebook. so hampir sume org rasa that this is a big problem.

one of the things that we as consumers can do is actually to complain. its not really a budaya yg selalu diamalkan di Malaysia. people tend to vent more to friends or online (macam aku tgh buat skrg ni) kira ngumpat belakanglaaa but i think, if we want something, in this time and age, we kinda have to demand for it. i saw once, my facebook friend posted a feedback email she got after she sent a complaint pasal satu kedai makan ni.. the good thing was that the higher ups acknowledge their mistake and will put in steps like better training to service fronts man to ensure such incident won't happen again. kalau xnak komplen direct pun, kan selalu nampak kan kotak cadangan kan, just fill in the forms. once (tapi aku pun rasa macam jahat je ni) kat satu hotel ni, aku tulis kat suggestion paper dia, 'hotel ini buruk' (aku buat tulisan macam budak darjah satu). ok jahat.

another thing is to berbudi bahasa. people selalu take for granted benda2 n nilai2 murni ni. padahal ni kan sivik tingkatan satu je pun. respect others if you demand respect. kita pun sebagai pelanggan, nak org tu senyum kat kita, kita pun kena senyum kat dia. one of the things that amazes me about my mom is how nice she is to org2 kaunter ke makcik kedai makan ke.. macam tadi kejap je pun kat asb tu tapi org asb tu dah tahu yg anak akak ada 5, tapi yg dua ni je ada kat umah skrg... hehe.. its sounds so kampungy ke apa x tahu laa.. but it really amuses us everytime, n then x pasal2 jadi kawan baik... org kat pasar jual ikan siap hulur kad jemputan anak kawen kat my parents sbb dh baik sgt.. so , be nice pepel!

sebagai bakal service provider (tadi dh intai2 akak kat pharmacy HSA tu, x lama lagi aku pun macam dia kott), here are a few good tips yg aku jumpa kat website ni (aku copy paste je sbb malas):

  1. Be prepared. There’s nothing more frustrating than connecting with a customer service representative that has to “grab a pen”, or pull up the system, or sign-in before they help you. Weren’t you expecting to “work” when you came into work?
  2. Value people’s time. If you’re going to keep someone on hold for more than a few minutes, let them know about how long and why. Give them the option of whether or not they want to be detained or called back. Put yourself in other people’s shoes and think of how you’d like to be treated.
  3. Don’t take it out on customers if you don’t like your job. Hello…we’re the reason you have a job! Not to mention, your personality, preparedness and poise is a reflection on your company.
  4. Never promise more than you can deliver. When I first signed up for computer virus protection, I wasn’t informed that it was a “gamble”. I’ve now been told that no virus protection software is 100% and even if you buy the best, you can still be vulnerable to attacks. Don’t make promises if you don’t intend to deliver on the.
  5. Be pleasant. Being pleasant, friendly, and courteous always makes a bad situation better. And it increases the likelihood of customer satisfaction and repeat business. Which makes for a win-win situation for all!

so azam aku nanti, bile aku pun dah jadi pharmacist x kiralaa yg jaga kaunter ke, jumpa patient ke, soklan pertama yg aku nak tanya, 'apa khabar?' some days it maybe hard and stressful, even to put a smile on our faces pun nak kena guna muscle banyak sangat, but let's try people. i have faith in malaysians. walaupun aku komplen2 ni, aku x nafikan ramai je sebenarnye yg baik.. ramai yg prihatin, suka berborak n overall baik laa...n sebenarnye yg buat2 hal ni kadang2 just situational or individual, but i think we need to take a step towards a good change.  i know that we are getting there. sure, it's not fare to compare malaysia ngn aussie yg dah jauh lagi advanced, but if we start with ourselves, i'm sure lambat laun, things will get better.

p/s dh ada chat box kat tepi, kalau singgah tu, jeritlaa sikit eh :)

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